I've been living in Poheezie for about a year and a half now, and have an ongoing obsession with the birds who frequent the pond in my apartment complex. These birds include but are not limited to about several dozen Canadian Geese, Mallards, and seagulls, two ice-loving Swans and this freak of nature:

He is a Muscovy duck btw. I did not know this until I googled his description last Thursday evening.
Our first encounter was Thursday morning when I was leaving for work, late as usual. Btw, it takes me about 25 minutes to get to work, but I enjoy subjecting myself to stress and pressure. Therefore, I leave 15 minutes before I need to actually be at work.
Anyway, as I'm speeding up the road past the pond, I see this awkward specimen. I slowed down just enough to turn and examine it's weirdness. I then proceeded to literally shout, "What the fuck are you?!" Note: this is not the first nor will it be the last time I've yelled at the birds.
Anyway, the mystery has been solved, and I guess his appearance isn't too uncommon in North America. However, let me now share some bird behavior I find to be quite peculiar....
WTF. Apparently these birds have not heard of this little concept called migration. From what I've heard, it makes quite a lot of sense and serves a helpful purpose: survival. If you ask me, the ducks in the first picture looked pretty fucking cold, probably because they were sitting on mother-loving ICE. And while I don't have any pictures to prove this, the pair of swans looked pretty cold and pathetic after a few weeks of hanging out in the sub-zero weather.
That's all for now. As warm weather is increasing at an exponential rate, we (sadly meaning I) await the inevitable arrival of the goslings. I look forward to sharing the pictures as proof of their serious, shared death wish.
Stay classy Poughkeepsie
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